Best Practices:

High-Risk Transactions

There’s only so much time in the day. When randomly looking at any individual’s “risky” transaction, there may be a perfectly logical explanation behind it. To hone your efforts, look for deviations from the norm; employees in the wrong tail of the normal distribution curve – employees who, for example, consistently have more voided transactions or who give more discounts. Any of these high-risk reports can be sorted to look at the most high-risk instances across all employees for the given transaction:

  • Voided sales
  • No Sale
  • Zero Dollar (or small amount) transactions
  • Cash Refunds

This will make you more effective, by spending time not only on high-risk transactions but also on high-risk employees.


  • Create POS reports based on high probability transactions and sort to see the most high-risk transactions.
  • Schedule time to review (daily or weekly).
  • Validate suspect transactions by reviewing the corresponding video.

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