Audit Services:

Incident Management Workflow

Watch this quick video for an overview of the Incident Management Workflow.


As a District or Area Manager, you have responsibility for a number of locations. In any given week, you will not have time to monitor every transaction in every one of those locations. Incident Management compiles Incidents of theft, loss, or operational issues in a format that makes it easy to take the appropriate action.

  1. All audited transactions during the audit period are filtered through an algorithm that identifies suspect transactions.
  2. Envysion Audit Specialists analyze these transactions and create incidents of concern that are delivered to you through the Incident Management tool.
  3. Incident Management sends you notifications that display a hierarchy of Incidents. These are color-coded and ranked by severity and type so that you can analyze quickly and thoroughly to resolve individual Incidents. Beyond that, Incident Management gives you the ability to detect patterns of theft, loss, or operational issues that are impacting your business.

You can use these notifications to guide your analysis of both the individual Incidents and to identify patterns of behavior that you can then correct.

As a Restaurant Performance Audits subscriber, you are able to address all Incidents in your restaurant during the audit period. Loss Prevention Audits subscribers receive reports on specific Incidents of theft as they are identified. For both types of subscribers, the high-level process you will follow is:

  1. Receive Notification.
  2. Analyze Incidents.
  3. Take action.
  4. Record your resolutions.


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