LTE-M Panic Buttons:

Configuring the Panic Buttons – Activating the button

Once you have the emergency contact persons assigned, you can now proceed with activating the Panic Button. By default, when provisioned, the Panic Button will be in “Inactive mode”, and in order to activate it you must first map four cameras to it.

After the emergency contacts were set, and you close the Panic Alarms Notification dialogue, you will land back on the “Alarm Configuration” page. and the store should be already selected, from here you have to go to the “Panic Buttons” section in the right side panel and click on the “Pencil” icon (1).

Now the Panic Buttons dialogue will open, where you will see all the Panic Buttons that were provisioned to the site (1), their mode (2) (by default will be “Inactive”) and and “Edit” button, Select the button you wish to activate and click the “Edit” Button.

Now the “Mapping” dialogue will open, and you should see all your available cameras in a list, each of them having a checkbox (1), a thumbnail showing the camera view (2) and the camera’s name (3). You have to select exactly four cameras to map to one button by checking the box next to the camera thumbnail (1). It is recommended that at least one of these cameras is pointed at the Panic Button itself, and the other three should capture a general overview of the store and the spots where there is a high probability for an emergency situation to occur (i.e. the cash desk, or the entrance). Once you have selected your camera you can go on and change the Panic Button mode from the drop-down menu on the top-right side of the dialogue (4).

There are four Panic Button modes:

  • Inactive –  this is the default mode that the buttons come in and in this mode the button doesn’t work, meaning that if pressed, nothing happens
  • Events Only – this mode is designed to test the button without contacting the security agent – if pressed in this mode, the button will trigger Panic Alarms, that you can see in the Alarm Log, but they won’t be transmitted to the Security Agent
  • Test – this mode is designed to test the overall workflow, and simulate the interaction with Security Agent, without actually involving a real Security Agent. If pressed in this mode, the Panic Button will trigger panic alarms that will be visible in the Alarm Log, and they will also be sent to a virtual Security Agent, that will contact the store’s designated emergency contact person to confirm the receiving of the alarm, but the emergency services or first responders will NOT be dispatched.
  • Active – In this mode the button is fully functional.

Once you have selected the desired mode, if you wish, you can also change the Panic Button name from this dialogue, by clicking on the “Pencil” icon (5) in the “Button Name” field. By default, each panic button has a name that contains your store’s id and a sequential number, but you can change this to a name that is more meaningful to you (i.e. cash desk panic button, storage panic button or office panic button).

The last step is to save your changes. Once you completed all the above steps, you can click the “Save” button (6) and all the changes will be applied.

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