Cloud Storage:

Cloud Archive Overview

Cloud Archive provides customers with the comfort of knowing that their valuable video data is retained securely in off-premise cloud storage, accessible to be downloaded and shared at a later time as needed. This archival service can extend one to many years, much longer than device storage and ensuring that the footage outlives both device damage and failure. It is a powerful solution for businesses looking to safeguard against liability claims and other workplace events for that may arise months or years after the initial event.

Click Here to See How it Works


Contact your Envysion CSM to add Cloud Archive to your account.

     Things to know before you call:

  • Cloud Archive is compatible with Envysion supported EnVRs, Hikvision DVRs, and managed cameras and otherwise requires no additional hardware.
  • The retention period for archive storage is dictated by your subscription and consistent across your domain.
  • Sites are recommended to have sufficient bandwidth to allow the Cloud Archive service to catch up from periods of interruption, typically twice the aggregate bitrate of the archive across all cameras (e.g. 800 kbps for 8-camera Cloud Archive service).
  • Cloud Archive can be configured to target specific cameras, where bandwidth is limited.
  • Envysion will turn on Cloud Archive for desired sites and cameras when the feature is added.

Cloud Archive Clips

Clips stored for Cloud Archive are compressed to the specifications below to maximize processing speed and storage capability:

  • Bitrate: 50kbps
  • Resolution: 640×480
  • Frame Rate: 2fps

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