System Health Reporting:

Mobile Workflow

From IT managers to Owners Operators, anyone who deals with the health of their systems now has a unified place within Envysion to see a detailed list of devices and platform services. The following article will cover how the web applications workflow for System Health.

Note: Users need the EnVR Admin capability to be able to navigate to the System Health Reporting page.

Mobile Workflow

  • Open the navigation drawer and click on the Hardware Health link.

  • From the site list user can scroll on the page or type in the search bar to find the sites they are looking for.

  • User can also choose to filter and sort on different components from within a site.

Technical notes for sorting:

  • When navigating to the Systems Health list, the Sort by Appliance will already be applied. It starts with having the Offline Appliances sorted at the top.
  • Within the Filters button, users can choose to sort by Site Name, Upload Speed, Cameras Offline, and Appliance Status.
  • Both within the filters screen and the list screen, users can tap on the Sort chip to reverse sorting directions.

Technical notes for filtering:

  • Users can filter the System Health’s site list by Upload Speed and Appliance Status.
  • Users can select multiple status within a filter.
  • When selecting a filter the Apply results number will update automatically.


  • After locating the site users want to investigate more into, they can click on the site’s row in the UI to bring up a detailed view of that site.

  • From the detailed view, users can click on the > within the Cameras row to bring users straight to the cameras page for the selected site.

Technical notes:

  • The back arrow (<) will bring users to the system health detailed view.
  • Users can play video from this screen

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Web Workflow